Theengs Smart Plug: Features and advantages

Elevate your home experience further with the Theengs Plug, offering a range of innovative functionalities:

  1. Powerful BLE Scanner and Decoder
  2. Presence Detection Capabilities
  3. Data Transmission to MQTT Broker
  4. Compatible with numerous BLE Sensors and Tracker Devices
  5. YAML free integration thanks to MQTT auto-discovery
  6. Customizable Settings
  7. Smart plug remote control
  8. Vigilant Power Usage Tracking
  9. Persistent plug state
  10. Effortless Over the Air update
  11. On-demand BLE scan
  12. Embrace Open source innovation

Effortless BLE Scanning and Decoding: Our BLE gateway is a powerful BLE scanner, capturing and decoding information from various BLE devices. By transmitting the data to an MQTT broker, you can easily visualize, analyze, store, and process the information in your preferred controller.

Presence Detection Capabilities: Transform your BLE gateway into a presence detection system by reading nearby BLE tags or tracker devices. Our gateway is compatible with popular trackers such as Tile, NUT, TAGIT, ITAG, MiBand, Amazfit, and RuuviTag.

Integration with Home Automation: Once the data is transmitted to the MQTT broker, integrating it with your preferred controller, such as Home Assistant, is a breeze. The gateway supports automatic discovery and makes the data available for easy access and control.

Wide Range of Compatible BLE Sensors: Our BLE gateway is designed to work with various BLE sensors, such as Mi Flora, Mi Jia, LYWDS02, LYWSD03MMC, ClearGrass, Mi Scale, iBBQ, and TPMS. For a complete list of compatible devices, visit our devices list.

Effortless Integration with MQTT Discovery: Theengs Smart Plug is designed to make your life easier by eliminating the need for YAML configuration. Thanks to the MQTT Discovery feature, our devices can be automatically discovered and integrated into your home automation system. This allows for a more streamlined and user-friendly setup process, saving time and effort. With Theengs, you can enjoy seamless smart home connectivity without the hassle of manual configuration.

Customizable Settings: The Theengs Plug offers customizable settings, allowing you to set white or black lists, change the time between BLE scans, and modify other preferences to suit your needs.

Home Assistant control example

Plug Command from Afar: Remotely control your plug and adjust settings with ease, providing you with unparalleled convenience through a third-party controller.

Vigilant Power Usage Tracking: Monitor your energy consumption to make informed, eco-friendly choices contributing to a greener future.

Home Assistant power statistic example

Intelligent Plug with Persistent Memory: In case of power outages, Theengs plug's last-state memory ensures a seamless operation upon power restoration.

Effortless Over-the-Air Updates: Stay up-to-date with automatic updates delivered directly to your devices, ensuring you always have access to the latest features.

On-Demand BLE Scanning Convenience: Activate scanning as needed for effective and efficient device operation, giving you full control over your smart home ecosystem.

Embrace Open Source Innovation and Support the Project: The Theengs Smart Plug is powered by open-source firmware, showcasing our commitment to transparency and community-driven innovation. By choosing Theengs, you invest in a high-quality smart home solution and support a project that encourages collaboration and continuous improvement. Your purchase helps fuel further development and enhancements, ensuring that Theengs remains at the forefront of smart home technology.

The ultimate Smart Plug and BLE gateway provides a flexible, customizable, and easy-to-use solution to integrate and monitor your BLE devices. With remote control, power monitoring, powerful scanning, decoding, and presence detection features, you can now effortlessly control and analyze your BLE environment.


Ready to elevate your home automation game? Click the link below to purchase Theengs Plug and discover the true potential of your smart home!




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